Make a contribution to Black trans and queer liberation today! image

Make a contribution to Black trans and queer liberation today!

Resource local Black trans and queer organizing in Portland, Oregon!

$52,047 raised

$55,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We are raising coins for the collective!

Black & Beyond the Binary Collective builds the leadership, healing, and safety for Black - African transgender, queer, nonbinary, and intersex (TQNI+) Oregonians. We envision a future that gives power back to our communities, celebrates self-expression, and preserves the dignity, joy, and the future of Black queer and Trans communities living fully liberated lives.

As a collective, we are uniquely positioned in Oregon as one of the few organizations specializing in Black trans work, led by Black trans people. Our team have been actively creating no-cop zones around community safety long before anyone shared a defund hashtag.

Each staff person is crucial to the development of our strategy and uniquely qualified to deliver our services to the broader community. Our staff has a variety of connections to local and national trainers, writers, healers, artists, artists, musicians, policymakers, and many others who fight for an end to punishment-based responses to harm. Our success is grounded in the power we can build from our deep community connections, relationships, and member base.

These valuable resources help us enhance the work we have already been doing for years and increase our capacity to offer culturally specific, accessible programming. This funding will help us continue to decolonize our hearts, our communities while also helping to maintain the resources we provide to the Black trans community in Portland Metro.

To learn more about our organization check out our website here!